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Orya Maqbool Jan column on Malala and her book

She is not that little first off all she is 16 arfa was 16 when she died but left great impact on society may Allah bless her soul but malala's father is main traitor and read her book her defence for Rushdie makes it clear how she is being used by west

The reason why the the regular educated Pakistani is not overly excited about this brave girl is because of the people giving her the limelight, The West. Yes, she got shot in the head by the animals called the taliban. But that is not the reason she is being championed by the west. It is the fact what she did BEFORE she got shot and the reason the animals decided that a 14 year old girl had to be liquidated to silence her. I can see she being played in the hands of all the tropheys and awards. Her book is not a piece of literature but a testament to her war against radicalization and the "zarvans" and showing them that they will get educated by any means necessary. The defeat for the ugly distortion of islam is near. Just a little bit more patience.
Have you read the book? heck have you ever read any book apart from fake n gay ttp or secterian pamphlets?

Meri jaan dai totay... jaan dey... Mullah internet patha/shagird mullah radio.

Mr don't ask me show gutts and read her book if you have balls you would know it @SHAMK9 you know who Rushdie is and now malala is their new tool I mean another funded western ...... and our seculars as always are obsessed with their western master and their funded thugs like Rushdie and malala and she took bullet and now she has takes more than half billion rupees from west

The reason why the the regular educated Pakistani is not overly excited about this brave girl is because of the people giving her the limelight, The West. Yes, she got shot in the head by the animals called the taliban. But that is not the reason she is being championed by the west. It is the fact what she did BEFORE she got shot and the reason the animals decided that a 14 year old girl had to be liquidated to silence her. I can see she being played in the hands of all the tropheys and awards. Her book is not a piece of literature but a testament to her war against radicalization and the "zarvans" and showing them that they will get educated by any means necessary. The defeat for the ugly distortion of islam is near. Just a little bit more patience.
Islam is rising and will rise and western funded secular traitors and malalas and rush dies will be made history really soon a brutal part off history
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Mr don't ask me show gutts and read her book

The people you support , did try to show their manliness and guts by attacking a little girl to silence her forever . I once told you that " the burden of proof lies on the claimant " and well since your lot is claiming something , its about time you buy the book off the Western Amazon , read it and expose her in front of us . Actually , that would be quite refreshing from the usual " Mullah literature " about " all things Haram " . :azn: Good luck !

Scratch tht yazid example... if seen your kind even claiming him to be a sahabi and leave his deeds to Allah as we are mare mortals...

Such is your pathetic mindset.

Mr I will tell you some shia books which are respected by shias but their mullahs never tell what is written in them to shias they are enough to ex pose lies told about karbala
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Mr don't ask me show gutts and read her book if you have balls you would know it @SHAMK9 you know who Rushdie is and now malala is their new tool I mean another funded western ...... and our seculars as always are obsessed with their western master and their funded thugs like Rushdie and malala and she took bullet and now she has takes more than half billion rupees from west

Islam is rising and will rise and western funded secular traitors and malalas and rush dies will be made history really soon a brutal part off history

Sir i have ball... you can come and check them... as for the book... its not me making nonsense allegations... its you and im sure you have proof to support your claims!
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Mr don't ask me show gutts and read her book if you have balls you would know it @SHAMK9 you know who Rushdie is and now malala is their new tool I mean another funded western ...... and our seculars as always are obsessed with their western master and their funded thugs like Rushdie and malala and she took bullet and now she has takes more than half billion rupees y

I sh*t you not, I have no clue who Rushdie is, he can go to hell for all I care, just leave the little girl alone if you have any respect for humanity.
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Islam is rising and will rise and western funded secular traitors and malalas and rush dies will be made history really soon a brutal part off history

Sorry, Rushdie is still alive, I would suggest if YOU personally go take care of that problem you go straight to heaven. go go go go .. if you do not.. then you are part of the West and are itself a propaganda by the West to show that muslims are all talk and do not believe in heaven cause they do not want to kill rushdie and die and just want to talk on forums to make muslims look eviler. @Zavran a tool for the western infedels. I should have known.
Mr I will tell you some shia books which are respected by shias but their mullahs never tell what is written in them to shias they are enough to ex pose lies told about karbala

Screw it ... shias arent saints... but lies about Karbala? what kind of a moron are you? the "Ale aulad of Mohammad SAW" are inferior to a low life like yazid?

See thts your sick mentality.
Screw it ... shias arent saints... but lies about Karbala? what kind of a moron are you? the "Ale aulad of Mohammad SAW" are inferior to a low life like yazid?

See thts your sick mentality.

I never said that no one is above sahabas and able bait and that is one major reason for me that yazeed didn't deserve to be leader but Mr only few sahabas resisted his rule many other sahabas including those who took part in Bandar did his bait Mr if yazeed would have been that corrupt those great sahabas would have never taken bait off yazeed they had fought wars for their whole life they were not scared off death shias fabricated things to undermine role off sahabas Mr you need to do detail study I used to think like you but I studied several books Mr
@SHAMK9 than read who salmon Rushdie is than go and read malala book off you have love off rasool saw you would be ashamed off what malala has become Mr
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I never said that no one is above sahabas and able bait and that is one major reason for me that yazeed didn't deserve to be leader but Mr only few sahabas resisted his rule many other sahabas including those who took part in Bandar did his bait Mr if yazeed would have been that corrupt those great sahabas would have never taken bait off yazeed they had fought wars for their whole life they were not scared off death shias fabricated things to undermine role off sahabas Mr you need to do detail study I used to think like you but I studied several books Mr
@SHAMK9 than read who salmon Rushdie is than go and read malala book off you have love off rasool saw you would be ashamed off what malala has become Mr

This is your bloody worth the grand children of the Holy Prophet Mohammas PBUH were nauzubillah liars and yazid the sw..e was on the righteous path..


Lakh lanat teri zindagi pey.
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@SHAMK9 than read who salmon Rushdie is than go and read malala book off you have love off rasool saw you would be ashamed off what malala has become Mr

I'll ask this question again that you seem to be ignoring, did you read the book?
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This is your bloody worth the grand children of the Holy Prophet Mohammas PBUH were nauzubillah liars and yazid the sw..e was on the righteous path..


Lakh lanat teri zindagi pey.

Mr they never lied their so called follower a certian sect they lie they don't even tell about what is written in their main books to their followers they never tell what all the names of those who particpated in karbala Hazrat Abdullah Bin UMAR RA and Abdullah Bin Abbas RA were among those sahabas who had taken bait of yazeed they were not afriad of death Mr Imam Hussain and his partners were greatest people Sir and yazeed as he was not a sahabi didn't deserve to be leader but he was not that corrupt I mean he never drank alcohol or was a womanizer that is even accepted by Shia books which they never tell in open Sir by lying about him they indirectly accuse these great sahabas that they took bait of this kind of person Mr if you are a Sunni than bother to do some research and study books than you will send lanat on your own knowledge which you had by now
Oh Pakistan is not important :woot: In which world you are living dude ... Pakistan is an Islamic country & an Islamic country is a nuclear power ... I think this is enough to gauge importance of Pakistan for rest of the world ...........

Very well said,infact CNN/BBC define it as Islamic Bomb rather then nuclear bomb :lol:
They see Islam everywhere,they see a muslim raping,murdering,abusing rather then an ordinary humans.

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