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Security beefed up in Islamabad as Lal Masjid cleric vows to restart 'Sharia Law' campaign

And it will also create its own set of huge problems too. Sharia law is no panacea.

which Sharia, Sunni deobandi, brailvi, takfeeri, Shia, ahle-sunat...or which Molvi's shariat because no two molvis agree on one thing let alone be a complete set of laws
the Khilafat or so called Shairah law is not completely based on Quran or Sunnah , cause its so easy to know that many ruling which is given by Abu bakr, Umar , Uthman and Ali ( R.A to all ) , were just Companions of Prophet .. their ruling can not be equal to God's ruling .. by the way i am against any Shairah or any version of it .. cause i know Shariah will be misused by people like Mullah burqa and Mullana diesel
same reason i am afraid of the sharia law it will be misused by extremist and its impact will be huge as our population is too emotional, manipulable, uneducated and short tempered. it will divide pakistan into pieces on sectarian bases and will grant mullah unchecked power and we know what these mullahs are capable of they will become war lords in no time and will destroy the life as we know it in pakistan with civil wars
you can translate it bro on google translate . they are teasing you . i wrote abut sharia law failures
No offence taken..I usually stay out of thinks that I have no idea about. I dont even know my faith the way I should, why would I want to learn about another faith......According to me faith/ religion are all made made ......Take the good from all the faiths and try to live and enjoy life to the fullest. As long as you make people laugh and happy, God will always be on your side.
I am really surprised that a country created as a place where Muslims can practise their faith freely (lol) still hasn't adopted sharia even after 67 years.
I am really surprised that a country created as a place where Muslims can practise their faith freely (lol) still hasn't adopted sharia even after 67 years.

First get these answers.
How many Islamic countries are there?....How many of them have adopted Sharia law? and finally how are they doing (Sharia adopted countries) ?
Out of curiosity, why is Pakistan not implementing Shariah law?

The basis of TNT was that Muslims would like to live under the tenets of Islamic law - which is called Shariah.

Not having Shariah defeats the entire purpose of having Pakistan in the first place.
mate at that time we just wanted to get rid of you guys and that we get. you tell me mate who wants to live as minority.we got our own country now we are doing what we want in it and for your information their is no one type of shria so process is not that simple as it seems
I am really surprised that a country created as a place where Muslims can practise their faith freely (lol) still hasn't adopted sharia even after 67 years.
So you want us to adopt Sharia by force?
mate at that time we just want to get rid of you guys and that we get. you tell me mate who wants to live as minority.we got our own country now we are doing what we want in it and for your information their is no one type of shria so process is not that simple as it seems
Fair enough on the first point.

But as a Muslim, is it not your(collective) obligation to strive and implement Shariah and live under Islamic tenets. Not doing that is being untrue to your religion.
which Sharia, Sunni deobandi, brailvi, takfeeri, Shia, ahle-sunat...or which Molvi's shariat because no two molvis agree on one thing let alone be a complete set of laws
کوئی مجھے سمجھائے اس شریعہ کے حساب سے ماتم جائز ہو گا یا حرام َ تبرا کرنا جائز ہو گا یا حرام ؟ روزہ عشاہ سے پہلے افطار ہو گا یا مغرب کے بعد -عرس حلال ہو گا یا حرام - قل چالیسواں ھلال ہو گا یا مکرہ ؟ گوہ کھا لیں گے یا مکرہ قرار دیں گے ؟امام کا انتظار ہو گا یا یہیں بنایا جائے گا ۔ مزاریں منتیں مانگنے کے لیے ہوں گی یا مسمار کر دی جائیں گی ؟ طلاقیں یکمشت ہو جائیں گی یا ایک ایک کر کے ؟ متعہ اور مسیار حلال ہوں گے یا حرام ؟ آل معاویہ صحابہ ہوں گے یا جہنمی ؟پہلے چار خلیفہ ہوں گے یا صرف علی ؟مجلسیں امام بارگاہیں درباریں انکا کیا مستقبل ہو گا خلیفہ صرف آل رسول سے ہو گا یا کوئی موچی مسلی بھی بنے گاَ َ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

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