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  1. P


    What do you think? If D lose hard, Joe will be nudged further to step aside, maybe even resign. He will be 80 years in 2 weeks. I believe the major reason D went for Biden in 2020 is exactly because after Trump, they could've put just anybody into power, and such powerless, easily swayed, and...
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    So, I got an Indian visa, what do you do in Chennai if you have 1 free week?

    So, Foxconnies have finally made their mind for building a cellphone plant in India. Big cuts for engineering consultants familiar with "South Asian specifics..." I will have a few free weeks to setup myself there before we will go to survey the site. Timing is tricky, as we also going to...
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    Imran Khan and Juan Peron — so much similarities

    Some people thrust forward the line of early ZAB's, and Khan's uncanny similarities. Before turning an overall social conservative, ZAB was very far left, and was calling himself a "Peronist". He was as far left, as one can be in such society as Pakistan of seventies. Another parallel I found...
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    Iran used to support Iraqi Kurds, now they are enemies. What has happened?

    I find it very strange. Barzani admits to Iran arming him in 200X, well into the timeframe they began doing jobs for the US, and at around 2013-2014, things massively reverse. What's the cause?
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    Qatar & OPEC

    So... with current sky high oil prices, why do OPEC countries still keep the tap tight, while they see Qatar benefiting enormously from leaving the OPEC? Now not only Qatar's risky LNG expansion, which some called a failure just a year ago, scoring gold, now their oil exports are back to...
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    2023 Turkey elections

    So, what's up for a surprise on 100th anniversary? It will be the first real challenged election under the new constitution. Did Erdo open a can of worms with lowering the cutoff, and allowing for possibility of a lame duck presidency? Current polls suggest that he is far behind (10%) his own...
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    What do gulf states think over the war in Europe?

    What do gulf states think over the war in Europe?
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    What Qatari king is doing in Iran?

    News came that King Tamim went to Tehran for a "holiday vacation." I find the news rather suspicious. There is nowhere in Tehran for a rich king to have a vacation. He must've gone there for something else I think.
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    Libya is losing $60m a day in oil shutdown: Oil minister

    Libya is losing $60m a day in oil shutdown: Oil minister Oil is the lifeblood of the North African country trying to move past a decade of conflict since the fall of leader Muammar Gaddafi in a 2011 NATO-backed uprising. Since mid-April Libya's two major export terminals and several oil...
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    Two restaurants in Abu Dhabi emirate closed over food safety violations

    Two restaurants in Abu Dhabi emirate closed over food safety violations Pak Restaurant and Al Thana Restaurant had failed to rectify inspectors’ concerns Published: May 09, 2022 15:47Samihah Zaman, Senior Reporter Insects found on premises were among the concerns raised by officials Abu...
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    Are there electronics manufacturers in UAE?

    So, Are there electronics manufacturers in UAE?
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    What in the world is happening in Sri Lanka now?

    Hello gentlemen, the arc of instability is growing across the world, and now across the South Asia. Through my channels of people doing infra projects in Sri Lanka, I hear of somebody in the govt trying to use the popular opposition to launch a move on Rajapaksa. I cannot trust them, and need...
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    Opinion piece: Turkey's nuclear weapons posture in light of Ukraine-Russia war

    Do you think Erdogan will be at least re-thinking it one more time in light of recent events? One thing I can tell now is that US been "absent minded" at least. USA's "no nuclear war at all cost" stance led them to failing their treaty obligation, 100% their fault. Ukraine is uniquely one of...
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    Effect of the war, and fate of NATO from now on

    Any news on EU military Defence expenditure raise? Any concrete plans on standing forces expansion Current defence posture adjustment Fate of small ex-USSR NATO members? Or will NATO does nothing, and risk falling apart?
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    Who is Subhas Chandra Bose to people today?

    He fought British with an army of 60,000, which took ennormous casualties. He was against Ghandi's policy of appeasing British. He once offered Jinnah a post of a Prime Minister, were he to win. The battle for Burma was one of the most bloody, and big battles of WW2 (Burma offensive was...
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    Dhaka is so tiny, and crowded, but there are gobs of unused land North-East, and North-West of the city

    How does Bangladesh's land policy work? I do see from Google maps, there are some meek attempts at organised development, but otherwise these are open fields. I realised that Dhaka is a very populous city, but it only now struck me how physically small it is if you don't count adjacent districts.
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    Impressions from first visit to Dhaka after 5 years

    Getting through Dhaka airport is still a survival experience Motorickshaws still try to trick foreigners into overpriced ride, or the fare really reached 1000BDT, and the country is doomed A walk in Gulshan 1 really unrecognisable Overall, the city is a total chaos, as it been before. A bit...
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    BIMAN Airlines

    It seems they had no working way to buy a ticket for around a month. How are they making money then?
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    Is UAE a good place to park a business for a few months?

    First of all, @The Eagle apologies for unbecoming behaviour for a club member yesterday. Had a bit too much in the bar, and am still shaken seeing a country in which I worked in for close to 2 years go up in flames overnight. Promising to stay business like from now on. So, you gents know the...
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