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Car running on water invented by a Pakistani

  • He is using battery power to hydrolyze water into hydrogen & oxygen...
  • Then infuse that H2 & O2 back into engine with diesel fuel...
  • & use power from diesel-engine to charge battery again(give current for hydrolysis again)...

He has mistaken himself into believing that it's being run by water,,, ACTUALLY all the energy is coming from DIESEL fuel ... coz energy is being derived from diesel to hydrolyze water in 1st place,,, & since NO machine is 100% efficient so he is actually wasting more diesel than he would have if he was using just diesel to run his car ,,,

I don't get you, plz explain.

In the video he claimed that he uses the car every day & it uses fuel less than a rickshaw. He also said that he travel per mile in 5Rs. @ 24:48+
Whether it is a break through or not I applaud the men for the effort and for trying to doing something constructive for the betterment of the world.

Bhai mere, working for a good cause is one thing and one for a good cause in a foolish way is entirely another thing.

I'll still wait for the details before I pass any judgement.
IMO, If true than he is going to do more damage to nature, as planet is already getting dried and predictions are future wars will be on water and this man is going to burn water. We can live without cars but not water.
IMO, If true than he is going to do more damage to nature, as planet is already getting dried and predictions are future wars will be on water and this man is going to burn water. We can live without cars but not water.

70% of Earth is water..we are not running out of water...we are running out of fresh water.
  • He is using battery power to hydrolyze water into hydrogen & oxygen...
  • Then infuse that H2 & O2 back into engine with diesel fuel...
  • & use power from diesel-engine to charge battery again(give current for hydrolysis again)...

He has mistaken himself into believing that it's being run by water,,, ACTUALLY all the energy is coming from DIESEL fuel ... coz energy is being derived from diesel to hydrolyze water in 1st place,,, & since NO machine is 100% efficient so he is actually wasting more diesel than he would have if he was using just diesel to run his car ,,,
I don't get you, plz explain.

In the video he claimed that he uses the car every day & it uses fuel less than a rickshaw. He also said that he travel per mile in 5Rs. @ 24:48+

But there's another possibility ... May be induction of H2 & O2 changes octane-number of diesel or thermal-efficiency of engine by a big margin & increases diesel's combustion-efficiency substantially ... If that is the case then he could actually have improved the fuel economy over diesel-only engine... !!!!!!!
  • He is using battery power to hydrolyze water into hydrogen & oxygen...
  • Then infuse that H2 & O2 back into engine with diesel fuel...
  • & use power from diesel-engine to charge battery again(give current for hydrolysis again)...

He has mistaken himself into believing that it's being run by water,,, ACTUALLY all the energy is coming from DIESEL fuel ... coz energy is being derived from diesel to hydrolyze water in 1st place,,, & since NO machine is 100% efficient so he is actually wasting more diesel than he would have if he was using just diesel to run his car ,,,

I had similar idea of generating electricity from my table fan, but after reading your post, I dropped it. :)
I had similar idea of generating electricity from my table fan, but after reading your post, I dropped it. :)
I have seen that kind of machine build by students in science exhibitions,, battery runs motor>> motor in turn runs a generator>>> generator charges the battery again>>> students thought they invented way to generate energy from nowhere...:) what they are missing is that energy is being lost in form of heat generated by motor & generator & also NO motor or generator is 100% efficient so , say if 100Joules were given to motor from Battery, energy output of motor would be less than 100J (say 70J), since some of energy from battery will be wasted in form of heat(say 30J),,,

Now 70J will turn turbine & NOT all of it will be converted into electricity coz some would be lost , say out of 70J input into generator , only 30J becomes electricity & rest evaporates into heat,,, Now ONLY 30J going back into batteries,,, while we removed 100J from them to begin with,,,, :)
It seems we have a lot of wanna be experts here who are criticizing and making fun here. Basically thats a basic human trait. before jumping to conclusions, lets wait and see.
I think we should work to make solar energy systems more efficient and cost effective rather than wasting critical resource such as water

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