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I am upset over why PDF caters so much to Indians?

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There's a very old saying in our part of the world, roughly translated, '' To educate and enlighten one's self, climb the wall of China if you need to''.
For many Indians, PDF is their first contact with civilisation, here they can have a voice, box above their weight, get it off their chest and tell us, how great India is. Their own forums are like echo chambers, with only Indians playing blind leading blind, so in hindsight PDF is doing service to these creatures by introducing them to the civil world.
Though to be blunt, we are tolerated much less than our pakistani members of the forum - I have been banned for responding to a troll post, with the warning of "offtopic post". Gotten bans without ever getting to the limit of 3. So on and so forth.
That, unfortunately, happens because our Mods are human beings, after all, and occasionally, far less than people imagine, react to the constant rain of abuse showered on them by the Semper Iratus - the 'always angry'. Seriously, if you were to ask them some day, they might share with you how they feel, for instance, about this nasty thread.

We Indians are in an ambiguous position. If we praise somebody, it is the kiss of death. Only the most senior members, the deans of the forum, so to speak, are above this miasma of hate, as well as the strongest minded among the Moderators; you will understand why an Indian even naming them is harmful to the forum.
What fuk is so ridiculous about that... A guy tells you hey listen lets not fuking fight our enemy over a fuking irrelevant province and fight for what is actully worth taking... How is that ridiculous... Are you a retard or something... What do you want our forces to cross over the LOC for a tiny province:rofl:


Just from the top of my head, from what i remember of your ridiculous post, here are a few things wrong with it;

1. Our armed forces aren't equipped to take and occupy territory, especially the 7th largest territory in the world. We don't have enough men, guns, trucks, ammunition, we can't secure the supply lines, we can't even get supply lines that far. We're not trained to do that.

2. You seem to think you can magic up 3 million Afghans to fight for you. You're more likely to get 3 million Afghans who to fight you, rather than fight for you. Also what do you intend to pay them with? Hashish? Heroin? Young boys? How would you arm them, train them, communicate with them, organise them? You just think a maruading horde will follow instructions and protect your rear whilst you advance?

3. In this fantasy of yours, what are the Indians doing? A million man army is going to lay down and play dead? A country with the economic means to resupply and buy weapons, fuel, food, etc 10 times more effectively than us. Do you think they're poorly trained and poorly equipped? Perhaps ask those who fought against them how poor they are. Any fullscale war between us today would likely be a very bloody stalemate, devestating the military capabilities of both nations as well as the infrastructure - which is exactly why neither country bothers to fight a full war.

4. Assume the Indian army magically disappears - what about the 1 billion Indians? How do you plan to occupy the territory and fight the insurgency? Your Afghan mercanaries? Or do you anticipate Indians will just welcome a new invader with garlands?

I think the meme is very fitting.
Just from the top of my head, from what i remember of your ridiculous post, here are a few things wrong with it;

1. Our armed forces aren't equipped to take and occupy territory, especially the 7th largest territory in the world. We don't have enough men, guns, trucks, ammunition, we can't secure the supply lines, we can't even get supply lines that far. We're not trained to do that.

2. You seem to think you can magic up 3 million Afghans to fight for you. You're more likely to get 3 million Afghans who to fight you, rather than fight for you. Also what do you intend to pay them with? Hashish? Heroin? Young boys? How would you arm them, train them, communicate with them, organise them? You just think a maruading horde will follow instructions and protect your rear whilst you advance?

3. In this fantasy of yours, what are the Indians doing? A million man army is going to lay down and play dead? A country with the economic means to resupply and buy weapons, fuel, food, etc 10 times more effectively than us. Do you think they're poorly trained and poorly equipped? Perhaps ask those who fought against them how poor they are. Any fullscale war between us today would likely be a very bloody stalemate, devestating the military capabilities of both nations as well as the infrastructure - which is exactly why neither country bothers to fight a full war.

4. Assume the Indian army magically disappears - what about the 1 billion Indians? How do you plan to occupy the territory and fight the insurgency? Your Afghan mercanaries? Or do you anticipate Indians will just welcome a new invader with garlands?

I think the meme is very fitting.

First of all you didn't come with any solution but alot of downplayings that has no realistic bearing on what I said.

1. Have you seen an army planning a massive invasion that doesn't make sure it can setup it's own production line of arms and ammo? The answer is no? The second question do you take Pakistanis for brain-deads to not know that they need a flowing supply lines if they are going on 2 year campaign. I mentioned it clearly as 2 years war campaign and what do you want me to spell all the logistics surrounding it? What you said is equal to saying you can't bring swords to this fight? Well dah! Captain obvious.

2. Yes I can gather that many Afghans and more then that.. The solution is simple they either fight here or they will de-exist themselves hence they won't have much of a choice. We function as the great wall if that wall comes down water reaches them in the form of BJP hence this is outmost crucial for their security. What do you mean how do you arm them? I will arm them how I arm my armed forces. No payments and the payments will be each guy getting to safe his civilizations continuity...

3. Indians will fold.. I guaraantee you this once shxt hits the fane and some motivated MOFOs rushes at them reality will hit home. India has never defended an Invasion and you are about to find out why..

4. No I never said they would disappear but I expect them to get rolled over and I was generous giving them a timeline of 2 years of fighting.
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First of all you didn't come with any solution but alot of downplayings that has no realistic bearing on what I said.

1. Have you seen an army planning a massive invasion that doesn't make sure it can setup it's own production line of arms and ammo? The answer is no? The second question do you take Pakistanis for brain-deads to not know that they need a flowing supply lines if they are going on 2 year campaign. I mentioned it clearly as 2 years war campaign and what do you want me to spell all the logistics surrounding it? What you said is equal to saying you can't bring swords to this fight? Well dah! Captain obvious.

2. Yes I can gather that many Afghans and more then that.. The solution is simple they either fight here or they will de-exist themselves hence they won't have much of a choice. We function as the great wall if that wall comes down water reaches them in the form of BJP hence this is outmost crucial for their security. What do you mean how do you arm them? I will arm them how I arm them how I armed my armed forces. No payments and the payments will be each guy serving the continuity survival of the Afghan people..

3. Indians will fold.. I guaraantee you this once shxt hits the fane and some motivated MOFO rushes at them their hearts will reach there throats and reality will hit home. India has never defended an Invasion and you are about to find out why..

4. No I never said they would disappear but I expect them to get over-rolled and I was generous giving them a timeline of 2 years of fighting.
Where is a face-palm emoji when one really needs it?
Where is a face-palm emoji when one really needs it?

I stand by my opinion India will not become our toughest war and I believe we will unfortunately get into 4-5 other wars post the Indian war but each one will be tougher then the Indian one.

Rottweilers and pitbulls will not struggle with Golden retrievers..

Prophet(Sa) ''They will attack in such a way that nobody will be able to stop them''
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As an Indian, on why you should "tolerate" us -

With the number of teenagers, Non residents, and sometimes outright radicals on this forum, an opposing view can jerk you back to realism. Though I assure you, most Indians dont want you dead - They just want your armed forces defeated, and the piece of land that is rightfully ours to be returned to us.

Though to be blunt, we are tolerated much less than our pakistani members of the forum - I have been banned for responding to a troll post, with the warning of "offtopic post". Gotten bans without ever getting to the limit of 3. So on and so forth.

As an example, look at the Imran Khan thread. Bunch of kids are calling for army to depose the civillian leadership, others are asking them to intervene and save the leadership. That is treason. It needs to be understood - but it is a voice which would get quickly drowned out if the forum was only entertaining a single viewpoint.
lol indians and realism? Indians are far from anything realist. Indians distort facts to mind boggling heights. Go to youtube and see channels of DW, RT, ALJAZEERA, TRT and you would see their local populace is not that much vocal as the indians are. Even if the news is not related to south asia, indians in the comments are screaming about Pakistan.
And if one is foolish enough to argue with indian based on facts and stats indians resort to hurling abuses to Islam or mothers and sisters.
Every person is patriot but indians are ignorant. News channel like Wion news has brain washed and make indian nation obsessed with Pakistan. Nobody in Pakistan talks about india yet indian politicians are eager to gather votes based on Pakistan name.
I am not going to even start about how indians try to paint their failures as some sort of win.
I stand by my opinion India will not become our toughest war and I believe we will unfortunately get into 4-5 other wars post the Indian war but each one will be tougher then the Indian one.

India will be rolled over like how prime Hitler rolled over Poland or prime Mike Tyson rolling over his opponents early in his career... Rottweilers and pitbulls will not struggle with Golden retrievers..

Prophet(Sa) ''They will attack in such a way that nobody will be able to stop them''
You are right.

The sight of invading Muslims marauders will make Sanghis wet their pants and surrender.
Anyone else who thinks I'm a an Indian?
are you a mitar?
you think Modi is lord krishma incarnation?
you think Siri Yogi is lord Monkey(sorry i dont know the nae) human version?

if your answer is yes yes and yes congratulations you are citizen of a hyper powa nation!
First of all you didn't come with any solution but alot of downplayings that has no realistic bearing on what I said.

1. Have you seen an army planning a massive invasion that doesn't make sure it can setup it's own production line of arms and ammo? The answer is no? The second question do you take Pakistanis for brain-deads to not know that they need a flowing supply lines if they are going on 2 year campaign. I mentioned it clearly as 2 years war campaign and what do you want me to spell all the logistics surrounding it? What you said is equal to saying you can't bring swords to this fight? Well dah! Captain obvious.

2. Yes I can gather that many Afghans and more then that.. The solution is simple they either fight here or they will de-exist themselves hence they won't have much of a choice. We function as the great wall if that wall comes down water reaches them in the form of BJP hence this is outmost crucial for their security. What do you mean how do you arm them? I will arm them how I arm them how I armed my armed forces. No payments and the payments will be each guy serving the continuity survival of the Afghan people..

3. Indians will fold.. I guaraantee you this once shxt hits the fane and some motivated MOFO rushes at them their hearts will reach there throats and reality will hit home. India has never defended an Invasion and you are about to find out why..

4. No I never said they would disappear but I expect them to get over-rolled and I was generous giving them a timeline of 2 years of fighting.
Where is a face-palm emoji when one really needs it?
Nobody in Pakistan talks about india yet indian politicians are eager to gather votes based on Pakistan name.
Would you like to go back and re-read your own post? Try to keep a straight face. It's difficult but possible.

And if one is foolish enough to argue with indian based on facts and stats indians resort to hurling abuses to Islam or mothers and sisters.
Ah yes.

A thoroughly Indian habit.

You are to be admired for your perspicacity.
No this forum it is at the point where it is technically pro-Indian forum bro. They don't allow anymore people to share their opinions freely as anything to remotely anti-Indian will land you a ban..

Indians can do it and there are even publically false flagger Indians on this forum meaning they aren't technically Pakistanis but Indians cross dressed as Pakistanis.. IMHO the mods know who they are @Reichsmarschall
It seems that you learned absolutely nothing from your ban. How can you bad-mouth senior posters who have contributed quality posts over many years?

You just joined a few days ago & you already want to own & control discussions here?

Your nationality, politics, or religion can not be a veto upon others. If you do not learn to contribute with a modicum of decency on this forum, then it means that we have failed you. If you have difficulty in adjusting to the environment here, spend some time reading posts & digesting the norms & material before you start complaining.
Anyone else who thinks I'm a an Indian?
I do.... LOL. NOT

The kid needs to grow up. We should help him do that. I noticed his posts earlier & decided not to interact with him. Now that he is coming after you, I have decided to let him know a thing or two. He'll learn or he'll leave. Either way, we should give him time to make up his mind.
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