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I am upset over why PDF caters so much to Indians?

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According to OP's wish, you will also get banned. Ban is for Indians, which includes pro pak Indians. 😂

Which one is greater?

First of all you didn't come with any solution but alot of downplayings that has no realistic bearing on what I said.

1. Have you seen an army planning a massive invasion that doesn't make sure it can setup it's own production line of arms and ammo? The answer is no? The second question do you take Pakistanis for brain-deads to not know that they need a flowing supply lines if they are going on 2 year campaign. I mentioned it clearly as 2 years war campaign and what do you want me to spell all the logistics surrounding it? What you said is equal to saying you can't bring swords to this fight? Well dah! Captain obvious.

2. Yes I can gather that many Afghans and more then that.. The solution is simple they either fight here or they will de-exist themselves hence they won't have much of a choice. We function as the great wall if that wall comes down water reaches them in the form of BJP hence this is outmost crucial for their security. What do you mean how do you arm them? I will arm them how I arm my armed forces. No payments and the payments will be each guy getting to safe his civilizations continuity...

3. Indians will fold.. I guaraantee you this once shxt hits the fane and some motivated MOFOs rushes at them reality will hit home. India has never defended an Invasion and you are about to find out why..

4. No I never said they would disappear but I expect them to get rolled over and I was generous giving them a timeline of 2 years of fighting.

All are your wishful thinking Sir. I will counter you as per the points made by you.

1) You are talking about 2 year war campaign. Do you think you will be be able to bring this much manpower and can your economy absorb it ? There are very few handful country which can think of doing this. It will be logistical nightmare when you will be having a war in enemy country. You just have to see your population compared to our one state only i.e UP. North India will be like a fort and trust me you can never go down south. You will get heavy resistance in North India (Punjab,UP,Bihar,Haryana,Himachal Pradesh, Uttrakhand,Rajasthan) will tear anything coming from your side. Punjab, Uttranchal is known for providing Soldiers and they are too hot headed including Haryana. Secondly Afghans will never come to support you and that too the numbers you are providing is BS to talk. Why did not they come during Kargil war when we were economically week (we were about to bankrupt in 1991). Afghans need money. Trust me we can open another front for you from Afghanistan or Balochistan by paying the right money.

2) As said previously you cannot bring this number of Afghans. Afghan Taliban has a force of 150K. Why people are not joining AT and will join you knowing that it is not their problem. We don't have any grudge for common Afghan and they don't have against us either.

3) You are still living in 1500-1600 years when Moguls came and annexed part of North India. We had kingdoms back then and it is not so that they did not get any resistance at that time. Marathas, Maurays did not surrender in front of them. It was a different era. Muslims invaders were powerful as compared to kingdoms of India. How Britishers threw them out ? Logic is the same that they were much powerful than muslims.

4) You cannot sustain a war lingering for 2 years. Trust me you cannot fight for 15 days seeing your economy. I am not saying we are economically good either but better than you.
Try being Chinese here and talking about theUS with anything other than absolute worship and idolation. How many Chinese have been silenced or banned for the audacity of posting even US media sources questioning their narrative, while murican trolls can be outright racist towards Chinese, Pakistanis and Indians yet are never banned?

US is the top boss of the World. Hence Americans get a free pass not only on the internet but also in the real world too.

It will take China another decade to replace US and command same kind of fear and favor.
No this forum it is at the point where it is technically pro-Indian forum bro. They don't allow anymore people to share their opinions freely as anything to remotely anti-Indian will land you a ban..
How is this forum pro-Indian? I always wonder how Indians stay here and talk after all the nasty comments many people call them here. It's far from pro-Indian.
Well Pakistanis are an exceptionally emotional people. Some consider Afghans as dear brothers, some consider Iran as a dear brotherly nation and some even consider indians as our brothers who parted from us.
Reality check, all three hate Pakistan and want to see the end of the nation.
Delusuonal Pakistanis see every nation as though they offer love and affection.
Ha ha echo chamber...but
than again why don't Indian forum's, NDTV, rest of media doesn't allow Pakistan views ?
NDTV is a big sponsor of pro pak news, you should have targeted other channels.

Def forum India allows pakistanis as long as they are there to debate and discuss, but they get chucked (as with everyone) if they sit around contributing nothing and trying to derail threads. We have one guy who we tease quite a bit for marrying his cousin, but hes not booted off even though he is agressively anti India.
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