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Pakistan is my country, I love my country but I am in exile forever: Aasia Bibi

Pathetic state of religious affairs in Pakistan
No one is beyond humanity in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
No one should take our religious zeal hostage for their personal vendetta
She has suffered enough and now we must listen to her learn and try to make right
So if sometning commit blasphemy what should be the punishment? In Modern Society its considered as freedom of speech
If someone has committed blasphemy, he/ she should be dealt with according to the current blasphemy laws. But if it turns out as a false accusation, the people who accused should be punished because they have played with the life of someone.
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Unfortunate truth. She was the victim of mulla terrorism who were pumped up with their jahil mentality.

In Pakistan blasphemy is many times used as a weapon against someone who you have personal issues.

Anyways enjoy your free life finall , Bibi.
The crux of the problem is that we are all part of the problem. On the one hand, we collectively allow foreign nations to interfere and inject toxic ideologies in our religious seminaries. We look the other way and aren't bothered about the effects it is going to have on OUR children. That is because they are poor, but they are still OUR children. We are hypocritical in our words and actions because our own children study in expensive English medium schools. We don't care about equal and non-discriminatory education for every child in Pakistan. This is essentially the root cause of our problem. This has been ongoing for decades.

When these children grow up in these seminaries and learn whatever they are taught they behave as expected in society. Our outrage at this point is meaningless and even criminal.

When you plant a cactus you cannot expect a rose. Religious bigotry and toxic behavior didn't happen overnight. It took years and decades to reach this point.
People who have been nowhere near a madrassah will treat Christians like lepers. I've seen the disgusting behaviour with my own eyes, many times over. They were treated as such before madrassahs became the big business they are now and certainly before foreign funding was a thing.
In fact, I've never seen a Christian treated as an equal human being in Pakistan. It's ingrained into our culture. They are the Dalits of Pakistan and are treated as such.

If someone has committed blasphemy, he/ she should be dealt with the current blasphemy laws. But if it turns out as a false accusation, the people who accused should be punished because they have played with the life of someone.
Unfortunately mud sticks.
Especially in a place like Pakistan.
Remember, Pakistanis erected a shrine to the murderer of a provincial governer who he was supposed to be protecting, for voicing his concern at the way this particular law was being abused.
Knocking that travesty down would be a good start.
People who have been nowhere near a madrassah will treat Christians like lepers. I've seen the disgusting behaviour with my own eyes, many times over. They were treated as such before madrassahs became the big business they are now and certainly before foreign funding was a thing.
In fact, I've never seen a Christian treated as an equal human being in Pakistan. It's ingrained into our culture. They are the Dalits of Pakistan and are treated as such.

Unfortunately mud sticks.
Especially in a place like Pakistan.
Remember, Pakistanis erected a shrine to the murderer of a provincial governer who he was supposed to be protecting, for voicing his concern at the way this particular law was being abused.
Knocking that travesty down would be a good start.

I understand what you mean although I have never experienced it first hand. That is certainly wrong. The Christian community residing in Pakistan is absolutely part of our nation. They deserve full rights and equal treatment as the rest.

The government should create policies and inclusiveness for Pak Christians. Penalise those that are caught discriminating. It is disgusting and abhorrent if segments of our society are involved in such discriminatory behavior.
Many other prisoners showed her no pity. “I am startled by the cry of a woman. ‘To death!’ The other women join in. ‘Hanged!’ Hanged!’.”

No sisterhood here.

These would be the same type of women who first accused her of blasphemy.
Injustice is universal, not sure why they making it into a Christian issue.
I recently met a christian Pakistani in the US who got political asylum by fabricating stuff. He was embodiment of evil and I am glad he left Pakistan. He was so anti-Pakistan and was trying behave whiter than white and would have done anything to get his stay in the US. He had no ethical boundaries, no morals, a nice facade with Machiavellian cunning behind it. I spoke to him in detail about the Church (he was a Catholic) and what I found out was truly astonishing. It is more of a networking circle/mafia and through references of his local parish he gets doors opened anywhere around the world. They get favours and do favours for each other and help each other to find jobs , housing etc. Worse was he was intentionally blind to the widespread abuse and the associated cover ups. I was under the impression either he himself was abused or was an abuser, though I have no evidence and am only going by his behaviour. Seriously, if these are the sort of Christians Pakistan is creating then we need to monitor them closely and ship them to India or elsewhere.

You kinda made it into a Christian issue too. Lots of Pakistanis abroad faking political asylum for residencies. And I've seen plenty of them westernize their name too. This is a Pakistani / desi issue - not a Pakistani Christian issue.
One of [our] greatest failures as a society.... :(
You kinda made it into a Christian issue too. Lots of Pakistanis abroad faking political asylum for residencies. And I've seen plenty of them westernize their name too. This is a Pakistani / desi issue - not a Pakistani Christian issue.

Not really.

The issue is about system and how it is used or being allowed to use. Poverty leads to desperation.

Desperate people do desperate things. It is governments responsibility that it should not come to the point of desperation that people become just a number in statistics.
Not really.

The issue is about system and how it is used or being allowed to use. Poverty leads to desperation.

Desperate people do desperate things. It is governments responsibility that it should not come to the point of desperation that people become just a number in statistics.

The poor and desperate don't get visas and tickets to Europe and the US. They can barely make it out of their village.
The ones doing this are much better off, and looking for bigger opportunities.
The poor and desperate don't get visas and tickets to Europe and the US. They can barely make it out of their village.
The ones doing this are much better off, and looking for bigger opportunities.

Well the poor know they need to do something out of the ordinary to be taken notice of and work the system of perception.

It is just added problem to be Muslim on top of being poor.
I understand what you mean although I have never experienced it first hand. That is certainly wrong. The Christian community residing in Pakistan is absolutely part of our nation. They deserve full rights and equal treatment as the rest.

The government should create policies and inclusiveness for Pak Christians. Penalise those that are caught discriminating. It is disgusting and abhorrent if segments of our society are involved in such discriminatory behavior.
Trust me.
I don't say this lightly.
They are treated as unclean and children of a lesser god.
They are not allowed to drink from the same water pumps, eat in the same place, let alone from the same table and utensils.
Their treatment is abhorrent and it has been made culturally acceptable.
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