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Pakistan is my country, I love my country but I am in exile forever: Aasia Bibi

This is exactly what I was warning about when this news of her being flown over to the "western country" was circling. I warned how she will be used to target Pakistan and not to let her go to western countries and if her going abroad was absolutely necessary, settle her somewhere in GCC away from praying eyes of western media.

Sometime I feel that Pakistani establishment is run by absolute buffoons. No understanding on how asymmetric warfare is run against Pakistan. Now through western media, they are taking all the pot shots against Pakistan using her.

She was a Pakistani citizen, and was freed under Pakistani laws. Any of these bloody champions of human right and religious freedom have any word on this woman called Afia Siddiqui who is also Pakistani citizens but she is illegally and against all internal laws is languishing in foreign country's jail, just because she happen to be a Muslim?

Yet she had to be taken out of her own country for her own safety and security.
Pakistani people could not be trusted to accept the verdict of the court and her innocence, and let her live in peace.
Some Mumtaz Qadri would have been along to claim his ticket to paradise.
The fault lies within our own society and it's warped values.
Yet she had to be taken out of her own country for her own safety and security.
Pakistani people could not be trusted to accept the verdict of the court and her innocence, and let her live in peace.
Some Mumtaz Qadri would have been along to claim his ticket to paradise.
The fault lies within our own society and it's warped values.

Start showing the same concern for a Pakistani who was abducted from her own country, shot in abdomen, children killed and then tried in kangroo courts who had no jurisdiction on her, and left to rot in foreign soil , in face for all international laws and norms. This is bigger travesty then what happened to Aasia Bibi. I don't see the same Zeal from our society to take up her case and condemn the injustice that was meted out Afia, by those nation who called themselves champions of human right.

Yes Assia needed to flown out , perhaps more of concern to the likes of cia and raw trying to bring harm to her and then having a field day against Pakistan. But in any case, she should not have been handed over to the western government. GCC would have been a better choice. Now because of that stupidity, Pakistan name will be dragged through dirt by western establishments.
Start showing the same concern for a Pakistani who was abducted from her own country, shot in abdomen, children killed and then tried in kangroo courts who had no jurisdiction on her, and left to rot in foreign soil , in face for all international laws and norms. This is bigger travesty then what happened to Aasia Bibi. I don't see the same Zeal from our society to take up her case and condemn the injustice that was meted out Afia, by those nation who called themselves champions of human right.

Yes Assia needed to flown out , perhaps more of concern to the likes of cia and raw trying to bring harm to her and then having a field day against Pakistan. But in any case, she should not have been handed over to the western government. GCC would have been a better choice. Now because of that stupidity, Pakistan name will be dragged through dirt by western establishments.
Whataboutery at it's finest.
Just because Aafia Siddiqui may have had an injustice perpetrated against her, does it give licence to persecute every Christian in Pakistan?
This thread is about Aasia Bibi and the treatment of Christians in Pakistan. It is important because unlike you some of see value in and defend the rights of every Pakistani regardless of religious affiliation.
A Pakistani is a Pakistani whether they are Muslim, Christian, Sikh, Hindu or Qadiani or anything else.
If you want to discuss the other case, start a new thread about it.
Whataboutery at it's finest.
Just because Aafia Siddiqui may have had an injustice perpetrated against her, does it give licence to persecute every Christian in Pakistan?
This thread is about Aasia Bibi and the treatment of Christians in Pakistan. It is important because unlike you some of see value in and defend the rights of every Pakistani regardless of religious affiliation.
A Pakistani is a Pakistani whether they are Muslim, Christian, Sikh, Hindu or Qadiani or anything else.
If you want to discuss the other case, start a new thread about it.

Its hypocrisy which is on display here rather.

Look, first understand what I am saying. I was against sending here to western civilization and now its coming back to haunt us. The anti Pakistan lobbies are now milking her to cause harm to Pakistan. That is why I was saying at the time as well to settle her in GCC instead. Do you have comprehension problem ?
Pakistan failed in protecting her. She is unfortunate Pakistani, can not go to her country.
Its hypocrisy which is on display here rather.

Look, first understand what I am saying. I was against sending here to western civilization and now its coming back to haunt us. The anti Pakistan lobbies are now milking her to cause harm to Pakistan. That is why I was saying at the time as well to settle her in GCC instead. Do you have comprehension problem ?
Why would she want to go to the GCC countries who have as bad a record as Pakistan for treatment of minorities?
I wouldn't.
Did the GCC countries support her in her plight?
Did they even want her?
She went to Canada because she knows her rights will be respected. Why would she go from being a second class citizen in Pakistan to being a second class citizen in the GCC.
You're the one with the comprehension problems, mate

You're talking rubbish.
Why would she want to go to the GCC countries who have as bad a record as Pakistan for treatment of minorities?
I wouldn't.
Did the GCC countries support her in her plight?
Did they even want her?
She went to Canada because she knows her rights will be respected. Why would she go from being a second class citizen in Pakistan to being a second class citizen in the GCC.
You're the one with the comprehension problems, mate

You're talking rubbish.


You been Dubai or Qatar? Those damn places are run by "kafirs". How stupid you can be?

If our establishment can settle our crook politicians in GCC, its not a rocket science to get one Christian woman and her family moved there, and enjoy her life there at the expense of the state.

Stop being a buffoon and give excuses to the hostile foreign establishments to drag your country good name through dirt.

You been Dubai or Qatar? Those damn places are run by "kafirs". How stupid you can be?

If our establishment can settle our crook politicians in GCC, its not a rocket science to get one Christian woman and her family moved there, and enjoy her life there at the expense of the state.

Stop being a buffoon and give excuses to the hostile foreign establishments to drag your country good name through dirt.
Wishful thinking on your part.

She wouldn't have gone to the GCC if she had the choice between Canada or Dubai.
They never offered to take her in the first place.
You've just plucked this GCC thing out of your back side and hung your hat on it.
Do you think you could just take her there and abandon her against her wishes? Do you think her story was going to just go away because she wasn't in the West? She wasn't in the West when she was stuck on death row but the story was still live in the West. You can't just hope these things will go away because you want them to or by making excuses.You need to be working towards creating a more tolerant and equitable society.
You could start by calling out the people who support and condone this bigotry.
Foreign establishments don't need me or people like me to give them excuses when they can see us for the backward thinking society Pakistan is. Foreigners are well aware of what goes on in our country.
You can bury your head in the sand all you want, it doesn't change the fact that as a society we are a bigoted nation that discriminates against it's citizens on the basis of religion.
What do you think they thought when the government allowed a shrine to be built to glorify the murderer of someone who thought the blasphemy law was being abused and needed to be reviewed.
I didn't build it, people like you did.
If you don't like that Pakistan's name is dragged through the dirt then stop supporting the scum that cause these things in the first place.
Btw, reply all you want to my posts but there really is no need for name-calling. It just makes you look desperate and uncouth.

PARIS: Recounting the hellish conditions of eight years spent on death row on blasphemy charges but also the pain of exile, Aasia Bibi has broken her silence to give her first personal insight into an ordeal that caused international outrage.

The Pakistani Christian was sentenced to death on blasphemy charges by the Lahore High Court (LHC) in 2010 but she was acquitted by the Supreme Court on October 31 in 2018. She now lives in Canada at an undisclosed location.

French journalist Anne-Isabelle Tollet, who has co-written a book about her, was once based in the country where she led a support campaign for her.

She is the only reporter to have met Aasia during her stay in Canada.

In the book “Enfin libre!” (“Finally Free”) – published in French on Wednesday with an English version due out in September – Aasia recounts her arrest, the conditions of the prison, the relief of her release but also the difficulty of adjusting to a new life.

“You already know my story through the media,” she said in the book.

“But you are far from understanding my daily life in prison or my new life,” she said.

“I became a prisoner of fanaticism,” she said.

In prison, “tears were the only companions in the cell”.

She described the horrendous conditions in squalid jails in Pakistan where she was kept chained and jeered at by other detainees.

“My wrists are burning me, it is hard to breathe. My neck… is encased in an iron collar that the guard can tighten with a huge nut,” she wrote.

“A long chain drags along on the filthy ground. This connects my neck to the handcuffed hand who pulls me like a dog on a lead.

“Deep within me, a dull fear takes me towards the depths of darkness. A lacerating fear that will never leave me.”

Many other prisoners showed her no pity. “I am startled by the cry of a woman. ‘To death!’ The other women join in. ‘Hanged!’ Hanged!’.”

Her acquittal on the charges, which stemmed from an incident in 2009 when she argued with a Muslim co-labourer, resulted in violent protests that paralysed the country led by Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) Chief Khadim Hussain Rizvi.

Aasia, who vehemently denied the charges against her, argued in the book that the Christian minority in Pakistan still faces persecution.

“Even with my freedom, the climate (for Christians) does not seemed to have changed and Christians can expect all kinds of reprisals,” she said.

“They live with this sword of Damcoles over their head.”

And while Canada gives her a safer and more certain future, Aasia also has to come to terms with likely never setting foot in her homeland again.

“In this unknown country, I am ready for a new departure, perhaps for a new life. But at what price?

“My heart broke when I had to leave without saying goodbye to my father or other members of the family.”

“Pakistan is my country. I love my country but I am in exile forever,” she said.

what kind of dramas going on in Pakistan first malala & after that aasia bibi & after that manzor pusteen what next...
Wishful thinking on your part.

She wouldn't have gone to the GCC if she had the choice between Canada or Dubai.
They never offered to take her in the first place.
You've just plucked this GCC thing out of your back side and hung your hat on it.
Do you think you could just take her there and abandon her against her wishes? Do you think her story was going to just go away because she wasn't in the West? She wasn't in the West when she was stuck on death row but the story was still live in the West. You can't just hope these things will go away because you want them to or by making excuses.You need to be working towards creating a more tolerant and equitable society.
You could start by calling out the people who support and condone this bigotry.
Foreign establishments don't need me or people like me to give them excuses when they can see us for the backward thinking society Pakistan is. Foreigners are well aware of what goes on in our country.
You can bury your head in the sand all you want, it doesn't change the fact that as a society we are a bigoted nation that discriminates against it's citizens on the basis of religion.
What do you think they thought when the government allowed a shrine to be built to glorify the murderer of someone who thought the blasphemy law was being abused and needed to be reviewed.
I didn't build it, people like you did.
If you don't like that Pakistan's name is dragged through the dirt then stop supporting the scum that cause these things in the first place.
Btw, reply all you want to my posts but there really is no need for name-calling. It just makes you look desperate and uncouth.

You are a perfect specimen of filth within our society, the self hating morons, who simply wont understand that state interest and its good name is above everything. No Muslim, non muslims is above that, no one.

At times like these, state needs to make choices for it's citizen who have given oath to serve the state, where state own interests are not damaged in any shape or form. If the state can keep corrupt politicians like shareef clan hidden in GCC from preying eyes for years, it's no issue to keep a Christian family there in nice comfortable life paid on state expenses, away from western media. Have we not suffered enough of malala yet? How does that endup? She is now loathed back in Pakistan. Do you want same to happen to Aasia?

She was unjustly treated, state did act eventually and gave her justice and dealt with iron hands with those who were against it. Let the champions of human right do the same to Afia Siddiqui and keep their media under control till then.

Shite happen in every society, the characters like Anders breivik, Brenton Harrison Tarrant are still alive in their respective nations where the right to live should have been taken away long time ago for their crimes. We dont get to hear about the flaws of their nations and their state, do we??

Get over it, we are fully capable do our dirty laundry in house. State and its institutions just need to start managing these issues keeping in mind the long term effects. We dont want to keep on doing the same mistakes over and over again where we are exposing ourselves to our worst enemies.
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