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Which Middle Eastern nation has the most advanced independent space program?

Israel and Iran.
Technically Israel's is more advanced as Iran got cheap, less efficient tech from China.

Chinese technology !?

Please don't make me laugh...

China helped iran in space tech & Pakistan's space program is almost dead !?
There will come a time when even you don't buy your own nonsense, or maybe you already don't, secretly. Okay, Iran imports/copies everything and doesn't know jack, while supapawa Israel invented everything from zero without western help. Now you can be happy.
Well Iranian space program is clearly based on North Korean. Thats fact that no one denies.

Iranian students are studying in Russia on aeronautic and nuclear faculties. Thats I know from first hand actually.

Examples I posted anove clearly show transfer of missile and sensitive military technologies. Reverse engendering claim is a joke since no one sold Kh-55 or Shkval to Iran.

It could be also Ukraine. They have good space technologies and engineers and are very poor.
Israel is Ahead but Iran will be neck to Neck in a decade . Remember Iran has been under sanctions for very long .
Reverse engendering claim is a joke since no one sold Kh-55 or Shkval to Iran.

Again proving your ignorance. Ukraine sold Kh-55 missiles to Iran, not Russia.

Well Iranian space program is clearly based on North Korean. Thats fact that no one denies.

No it's not, Maybe some initial helps, but is a fully independent program now for years. You can get your 'facts' and toss them in a river for all I care, no one really cares. For that matter, Israel's whole existence is based on charity help from U.S and Europe, not just space program.
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Again roving your ignorance. Ukraine sold Kh-55 missiles to Iran, not Russia.
I mean there was no sale for armament. They sold u explicitly in order u can make a copy. So its pretty obvious that it included blueprints and technology transfers.

No it's not, Maybe some initial helps, but is a fully independent program now for years.
Good u admit that its based on North Korean. Now tell me since when it became independent? Because all Iranian launchers (even which are still in development) have clear North Korean roots.

Probably North Koreans built time machine and stole Iranian Simorgh (first suborbital test in 2016) technologies for their Unha (first orbital launch in 2009) :lol:

For that matter, Israel's whole existence is based on charity help from U.S and Europe, not just space program.
US military aid is just 1% of Israel's GNP.

P.S. Note I did not start talk about origins of space technologies. Simply ur Iranian friends should remove a beam from own eye before checking speck of dust in others.


Mr.500 ... You are going to lose the case if i start talking !!!

Seems you don't know anything !!!


LOL ... Our biologist can't identify the difference !
Soheil jan, the arrangement of engines is not very big deal.

This is Falcon 9 1.0 vs. Falcon 9 1.1


As u can see the arrangement is very different. But still its just modification: 1.0 vs 1.1

So u can call Sigorgh first state Unha 1.1
E/O Satellites/ optic payload(0,7m-0,5m resolution) (Ofeq): Israel
Communication satellite/ transponder payload (Ku, Ka) (Amos): Israel
SAR satellite and SAR radar payload (TecSAR): Israel
SLV by payload (~ 400kg)(Shavit-2): Israel
SLV by orbit altitude(LEO) (Shavit-2): Israel

Soheil jan, the arrangement of engines is not very big deal.

This is Falcon 9 1.0 vs. Falcon 9 1.1


As u can see the arrangement is very different. But still its just modification: 1.0 vs 1.1

So u can call Sigorgh first state Unha 1.1

Do you really think this is just an arrangement difference ? :)

Center exhaust pipe: Turbopump for steering engines :




There is no independent turbopump for steering engines in Unha 3 !



Good u admit that its based on North Korean. Now tell me since when it became independent? Because all Iranian launchers (even which are still in development) have clear North Korean roots.

Probably North Koreans built time machine and stole Iranian Simorgh (first suborbital test in 2016) technologies for their Unha (first orbital launch in 2009) :lol:

This is what people call cooperation !!!

This is true Simorgh & Unha-3 using similar main engines in first stage but there are some facts :

Simorgh is far more efficient than NK unha-3 !

Unha-3 : 3 stages - 100 kg to 500 km

Simorgh : 2 stages - 500 kg to 500 km

There are also clear differences between them :

1- Simorgh's first stage is 1.2 m longer

2- 2nd stages are completely different :

Simorgh :




As you can see stage adopter is a part of the first stage in simorgh ...


but :





First Unha-3 which failed : ( Look at the bottom of rocket )


After it's failure in 12.04.2012 Iranian engineers landed in N.Korea to solve it's problems !

Which reported by western intelligence services !

8 month later in 12.12.2012 N.Korea launched the first satellite into space successfully ...

You can see one of the modifications done by Iranian engineers :


& Look at simorgh's first mockup in 2010 :


Unha-3 : 3 stages - 100 kg to 500 km

Simorgh : 2 stages - 500 kg to 500 km
Soheil jan, Unha and Sumorgh have similar weight (90 t) and same fuel UDMH. Unha has 3 stages which is actually more energy efficient. So there is no way Simorgh will be significantly better than Unha.
When does Iran plan to launch it's latest rocket?
Soheil jan, Unha and Sumorgh have similar weight (90 t) and same fuel UDMH. Unha has 3 stages which is actually more energy efficient. So there is no way Simorgh will be significantly better than Unha.

Similar weights !?

Same fuel ? Most of Russian & Chinese SLV's using UDMH as propellant !

More efficient !?

What exactly makes it more efficient !?

Simorgh is technically far better than unha !
Soheil jan, Unha and Sumorgh have similar weight (90 t) and same fuel UDMH. Unha has 3 stages which is actually more energy efficient. So there is no way Simorgh will be significantly better than Unha.

This hasbara troll can only comment with nonsense and provide no sources etc. Unlike this troll, the actual experts say a different story.

"The first stage of the Simorgh is significantly larger than the first stage of theUnha-series (Annotation 3). Estimates derived from models of the Simorgh displayed in public suggest it is about two meters longer, suggesting that it carries more propellant and possibly that the airframe is more advanced."

"The ratio of the fuel and oxidizer tanks is different from the Unha, too, suggesting the Simorgh may use a different combination of propellants "


And as I proven earlier and so did Soheil, it is the North Koreans whom are using Iranian help and technology now.

Keep embarrassing yourself with these unsubstantiated nonesenses.

When does Iran plan to launch it's latest rocket?

Simorgh will be launched within next 4-6 months.
Soheil jan, Unha and Sumorgh have similar weight (90 t) and same fuel UDMH. Unha has 3 stages which is actually more energy efficient. So there is no way Simorgh will be significantly better than Unha.
It just simply means Iran has developed a more powerful fuel/engine combination for the second stage in comparison ... it would indicate that the rocket have to be so much more sophisticated and worrying than what you expected which means Iran has successfully reduced dead weight ( airframe , engine masses , propellant tank masses, the navigation and control units ) dramatically ...lower structural mass ratios.
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