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Are you married to your first cousin?

Most of us In India do not prefer marrying within cousins as in most of the cases it leads to dispute within the families .

Imagine i grew up along with my cousin as she call's me( Bhai ) since our child hood which itself is a wonder relation between us as i always see her as my sister . but the very next moment if she happens to be my wife then definetly it our relation will get weired. it depends upon family to family which follows this tradition .

But at the end of the Day ,, Sab ALLAH KE MARZI HAI ... Who ever he chooses is the best for us .
cousin marriages is a social taboo. unless it is a tradition where inbreeding extends to 2nd or 3rd generations its really not AS risky as we are led to believe. the probability of having birth defects is about the same as a woman over 40 having children. it is legal in almost all countries in the world.

personally i would never marry my cousin as i was socialized to see them as my brothers...but there are alot of people i've met who are okay with it. and i understand that because they weren't raised with the same mentality as myself...

i don't exactly see it as a backward or islamic practice as people all over the world marry cousins. with the advent of science it is becoming easier to screen for genetic diseases and to avoid genetic issues in the child. outlawing cousin marriages under the basis of increased probability of birth defects doesnt make sense because then women over 40 having children should also be outlawed under the same logic. but ofcourse if this is like a family tradition with crazy inbreeding going on into 2nd and 3rd generations...its alot riskier and restrictions should be imposed.

i would say people should avoid it...especially if they don't have access to world-class healthcare. but at the end of the day its a personal choice.
to me marrying stranger good and me origin from a place called sidi khelif ( state of sidi bouzide ) any girl from that village i will never marry her regardless if she like me i don't care i hate to marry blood related me from other states like the state where i born sousse that from where i will marry on love be
i dont understand.. can you pls explain..

In my family boys and girls are kept separate unless they are directly siblings.

Talking to your cousin that is a female can land you an *** whooping of epic proportions.
In my family boys and girls are kept separate unless they are directly siblings.

Talking to your cousin that is a female can land you an *** whooping of epic proportions.

ok, thats a new culture to me.,. i grew up with my female cousins and it was quite a happy childhood..
however maybe its a cultural thing. is it ok to marry your fathers brothers daughter?
me my cousins i consider him like sisters that is it no like each other will happen

Well, it varies society to society and own perspective. Cousin marriage in my country is not regular thing but if it happens no one really mind.
In my family boys and girls are kept separate unless they are directly siblings.

Talking to your cousin that is a female can land you an *** whooping of epic proportions.
hell u don't talk to ur sis ( not real one that what i consider them )
me i study with girls in the same school mixed school there who where hijab and other not in Tunisia we don't separate them even if there as u say not directly siblings because we are Secular people
hell u don't talk to ur sis ( not real one that what i consider them )
me i study with girls in the same school mixed school there who where hijab and other not in Tunisia we don't separate them even if there as u say not directly siblings because we are Secular people

I'm talking about family, not country. Guys and girls attend Universities together in Pakistan.

see here me with 2 stranger girls to my family not to me there friends and we shake hands we talk we go play together ( like going to a place near the school making yogurt fight ) ......

I'm talking about family, not country. Guys and girls attend Universities together in Pakistan.
ok , universities only or any level
I don't understand what you mean at any level?
there primary then Preparative
Then the university these our system and the system of most of the world with changing what they call each one

like secondary in usa high school
there primary then Preparative
Then the university these our system and the system of most of the world with changing what they call each one

like secondary in usa high school

Some private schools maybe, but not government schools.
and they put primary then Preparative to Elementary school

Some private schools maybe, but not government schools.
we got government schools more than private schools because private schools they care about money only

they don't give u real study and degree

but gov they are real schools
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