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ISRAEL and BRITISH defence

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Well, i think it is good idea to open an Israeli defence section, So, we can get updates on their latest technology. I don't consider Israel as an enemy but, could be good for some people here who thinks so, as said '' Keep your friends close and enemy closer. :smokin:
You need to go get a few more English lessons, it makes perfect sense for anyone who understands English.

I'll simplify: Making an Israeli defense section would anger Islamists and their like on this site, thus cause more harm than good.
You know, you could use Google to look up definitions of words you do not understand.

Read what I posted again. I simply asserted that one cannot extrapolate the reason you gave for not having an Isreali defence forum from the quote provided(If we were to assume that the quote is legitimate).

Sometimes reading things more then once actually helps.

I'll give up if you don't get it this time.
No need to open israeli defence section-
That section will be a troll fest for both Pakistanis and internet hindus-

Plus 2-3 members from a specific country does not deserve a seperate section-
British are irrelevant in today's world..No need for a British defence.
Lol , who'll mod the Israel section? lemme guess what'll happen:

Well meaning poster: Tank gets new upgrade in its APS.

First response: You zionist pig, capatialist scum occupying lands and killing kids you are now worse than nazis.................

times 4000= Israel defense section in a month and a half.

Noone will mod the threads.
The mods believe it will anger Islamists if they decided to open up an Israeli defense section. I believe their argument was "we'd get more trouble than good if we opened it up".
Huh leave it, how was your ingrown nail surgery ? :lol:
Israeli section yes, because there are already few members.
I dont see any british members here, and I dont think they will come here too.
With all due respect, if anything, Islamists would be angry at the Hot pics section in multimedia where there are pics of beautiful ladies standing next to beautiful machines. Besides, who cares what Islamists thinks. This forum is a source of knowledge for a lot of people. I believe if we were to have an Israeli and British section, it would help to bridge the gap between us and people of those nations. Saying that Israeli defence would be infested with trolls is not a valid argument. Since no other section is troll free. Sure there would be some hate posts initially, but later on we would get to learn about their armed forces and their people.
Israeli defence as well as Arab defence should be there. But I think Israel defence will be very difficult due to the politics . Arab defence is long overdue .
Israeli defence as well as Arab defence should be there. But I think Israel defence will be very difficult due to the politics . Arab defence is long overdue .
Yeah. They can have one combined section for all arab countries.
We are getting new international mods, so new sections should be manageable.
With all due respect, if anything, Islamists would be angry at the Hot pics section in multimedia where there are pics of beautiful ladies standing next to beautiful machines. Besides, who cares what Islamists thinks. This forum is a source of knowledge for a lot of people. I believe if we were to have an Israeli and British section, it would help to bridge the gap between us and people of those nations. Saying that Israeli defence would be infested with trolls is not a valid argument. Since no other section is troll free. Sure there would be some hate posts initially, but later on we would get to learn about their armed forces and their people.
From my experience, there can be no bridging when like minded people like you are a minority on this forum.
Some mods themselves hold Anti-Israel views.
Yes i agree, doesnt matter if you are against something or not. It should not hold you back from having a reasonable discussion. I really hope that mods seriously consider the idea of including Israel and British section to this forum. Thanks
It's a original post of Mod zakii and enough for answer.

So far all the subsections has been created only in relevance to Pakistan. India, Iran, Afghanistan and China are our neighbours, Bangladesh is part of South Asia and historically part of the same country, USA our major ally etc. But you do know the consequences of creating Israeli forum right?


1) This forum will be the first one and unique to have an Israeli forum on Pakistani (International) website so lots of popularity.

2) The only platform where Israeli and Pakistani members could converge (but we already have some Israeli members on this site)

3) Having an opportunity to learn more about Israel and better understanding of Israel and their defence forces


1) Many new people joining from Pakistan would leave immediately after reading the Israeli section as they would feel uncomfortable having such a section in Pakistani forum that is not officially recognized by Pakistan. So no matter what measures we have to take we cannot afford to lose our Pakistani identity in this forum

2) People would blame this forum as pro-zionist and webby living in USA will be called as a member of Jewish lobby and this website being supported by the Government of United States and Israel (sorry no offense to WebMaster but we all know about Pakistani people)

3) There will be tons of threads created every now and than urging the WebMaster to remove the Israeli section. There is only one suggestion for Israeli section yet but there will be dozens of threads created regularly asking to remove that sub-section from the site.

I see it is not viable for us to create such a section unless we develop any relationship with Israel in future

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/sugges...59-israeli-defence-section.html#ixzz1yp8K3LuN
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