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Israeli guest loses his $hit due to colour of saree worn by anchor!

Israeli guy assumes she is wearing Palestinian flag colours, red, green, and black. While she assumes it is about religion. Both have wrong assumptions.

For Palestinians it is about their lost land and identity which includes Palestinian Christians, and any kind of Palestinian. Several members of Palestinian negotiating teams were Christian. Hanan Ashrawi and Saeb Erakat are examples.
The point is that the anchor did not choose her sari either to support a religion OR a country. She just happened to be wearing what she wanted to. The Israeli guest was making assumptions about her intentions, when she had no deep intentions.
There is no need to apologize. That anchor is an idiot and lacks conviction that is why she is giving an explanation about her saree being an heirloom. Someone else with conviction would have replied that the color of her saree is no one's fucking concern.

But isn't that what she did? And is she wrong?
The point is that the anchor did not choose her sari either to support a religion OR a country. She just happened to be wearing what she wanted to. The Israeli guest was making assumptions about her intentions, when she had no deep intentions.
I understand that, but she also has wrong assumption that the color of saree relates to religion, that is why she said no, no it is not about religion. In the Hindutva paradigm everything is about religion. Muslim laypersons are supposed to be expert theologians, thus are accused of love jihad based on Hindutva WhatsApp University discourse.
Oh, come on; Imagine during one of Pakistan's wars with India, a TV interviewer had worn a dress combination of Orange white and green for an interview in London or New York with a Pakistani government official. Don't you think he would have been triggered and gone bananas?

We've fought three wars and a skirmish, and not once has that stupid conversation regarding one's clothing and color come up.
I understand that, but she also has wrong assumption that the color of saree relates to religion, that is why she said no, no it is not about religion. In the Hindutva paradigm everything is about religion. Muslim laypersons are supposed to be expert theologians, thus are accused of love jihad based on Hindutva WhatsApp University discourse.
Are you sure that you are not the one generalizing here? πŸ–
There is no need to apologize. That anchor is an idiot and lacks conviction that is why she is giving an explanation about her saree being an heirloom. Someone else with conviction would have replied that the color of her saree is no one's fucking concern.
It's just a jew bullying an Indian that's how far their arrogance has got.
The idiot got his mouth shut by the bold anchor. Some monkeys were jumping in this thread should go out and protest against Israel in their pakistani cities. They'll get their a$$ whooped by their own police.

The hamas attack has blinded the Israelis and subsequent bombing done the same to the muslims.
I was referring to your comment about Hindutva.
Well, it is manifestly true. Hindutva is based on, we both hate them for their religion saaarr, we are same! The Israeli disappointed her because that is not how they think. If Hindutva wasn't targeting people who happen to be Muslim for discrimination and violent persecution it would be funny.
Well, it is manifestly true. Hindutva is based on, we both hate them for their religion saaarr, we are same!
So say you.

Hinduism is a millennia old religion, and existed way before any of these issues began.

If you are differentiating between Hinduism and hindutva, you will have to clarify what you mean.
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