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Will Mars mission propel India ahead of China in space race?

As I always told, India would be the greatest technology country the world has seen since the big bang,
And India get the bragging rights?

and paint right.

NASA is like a guy with his own workable model ( refers to remote control and tracking system). So the more data pass thru his model ( which Indian mission is providing one more set of data, good and/or bad), the more practices he will have on his model, the more experienced he becomes, and the more valuable the model will be - the true value for NASA and the reason why NASA will do it for India, which otherwise couldn't track even a Chinese drone (AKA Venus, according to India's technological & secientific knowhow) from friggin 100km away, let alone sth as far as Mars. :disagree:

The same data will go thru the Russian and European Space agencies, as most of them share space related dataset and some models, before passing on to ISRO. No, it doesn't resemble passing a biiiatch around, not reaching 100% yet.

As I always told, India would be the greatest technology country the world has seen since the big bang,

Agreed. And even long before it. I am told by Indian specialists that big bangs from India are technically related to Delhi Belly and they happen quite regularly.
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I am not sure as some people are bragging they have deep space tracking and communication ability

According to wikipedia, when isro was operatiing their lunar mission, Chandrayan-1 had several failures, such as:

After suffering from several technical issues including failure of the star sensors and poor thermal shielding, Chandrayaan stopped sending radio signals at 01:30 IST on 29 August 2009 shortly after which, the ISROofficially declared the mission over. Chandrayaan operated for 312 days as opposed to the intended two years but the mission achieved 95 percent of its planned objectives

and the rover couldnt operate properly in temperature higher than just 50 °C

Rise of spacecraft's temperature
ISRO had reported on 25 November 2008 that Chandrayaan-1's temperature had risen above normal to 50 °C,scientists said that it was caused by higher than normal temperatures in lunar orbit. The temperature was brought down by about 10 °C by rotating the spacecraft about 20 degrees and switching off some of the instruments. Subsequently ISRO reported on 27 November 2008 that the spacecraft was operating under normal temperature conditions. In subsequent reports ISRO says, since the spacecraft was still recording higher than normal temperatures, it would be running only one instrument at a time until January 2009 when lunar orbital temperature conditions are said to stabilise. The spacecraft was experiencing high temperature because of radiation from the Sun and infrared radiation reflected by the Moon.

So I dont know on what basis that some members like Indo-guy hereunder said isro possesses deep space tracking ability after an upgrade. india's moon probe was launched 5 years ago. Moon is not in deep space.

Congrats . Even India has Deep space network which enabled it to track Chnadrayaan....
India has upgraded its Deep space network to cover for mars mission ..

US assistance will come into play only in last terminal phase of Mars Orbiter mission. But then it's not big deal ..because Russia , US , EU , Japan have traditionally co-operated with each other regarding sharing of deep space network facilities ....

I think you need nasa's tracking function all the way when your mars probe bounces off from earth. dont try to downplay nasa's importance and sounding so arrogant and ungrateful.

Reason why China have been banned is because Chinese total disregard for Intellectual rights ...

China's wide spread espionage programmes have created mistrust among nations ....

Sad that China does not enjoy trust within comity of space faring nations that India enjoys ! 

India has clearly maintained that this is a technology demonstration mission ...

It is all political and huge discrimination of nasa on us. I dont think isro is invited because of your standing on moral high grounds

We have space co-op with Russia and I think also with Europe before.

Yes, China has a deep space network that is currently tracking Chang'e 2 at approx 100 million miles from Earth. By 2015 China's deep space network should be able to track a probe all the way to Mars. The US Congress in 2011 banned NASA from cooperating with China. AFAIK, Russia and China cooperate in space.

Indeed. We have been tracking Chang'e II and last report in July was:

Chang'e-2 travels 50 million km from Earth

We are able to deploy our deep space tracking functions in different locations of the globe through the help of these ships and satellites:


Credit: zgjunshi.com


Credit: Huaxia.com


Credit: a1.att.hudong.com
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^^ i doubt that. most chinese projects are failures as well. you just dont hear about it

^^ i doubt that. most chinese projects are failures as well. you just dont hear about it

you can start trolling as long as you can

our space lab is still navigating round the globe.
you can see it with a telescope
nasa and ISS have been observing us. Go drop your bulls somewhere down your rivers PERIOD
you can start trolling as long as you can

our space lab is still navigating round the globe.
you can see it with a telescope
nasa and ISS have been observing us. Go drop your bulls somewhere down your rivers PERIOD

spacelab, maybe. space walk, i doubt that. china tends to cover up its failures well giving a grand illusion to its population and the world so that CCP remains in power. india on the other hand is very transparent and accepting of its failures.
Will the possible US government shutdown in Feb 2014 cause the Indians to lose track of their tiny satellite with a payload of only 150kg?

Will the orbiter fail to part with mother Earth after a month of tangoing each other?:D
I want to congratulate India on this but if I do so, I'll be being dishonest to NASA who contributed to this mission. Without NASA, India won't have the technical expertise for this mission.

It's like when the M3 instrument from NASA that was on the mission to the Moon that found water after the soviets found water in 1967. 
It speaks how advanced the Indian space program is that they cannot put a man into space. Manned missions are FAR more complex than unmanned missions.

Until India can put an Indian into space using independently technology, I will never give credit to India.

Doing joint unmanned missions don't give pride. When we had that mission with Russia to send a probe to mars, that never have me any satisfaction. Because its just a joint mission. Same thing with this mission done by ISRO and NASA.

Only thing I consider truly independent is one not getting foreign help. Even Somalia can send a mars or moon mission if they cooperated with NASA.

When India sends a man into space without help from NASA, then I will truly consider India a big space power that deserves respect.
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spacelab, maybe. space walk, i doubt that. china tends to cover up its failures well giving a grand illusion to its population and the world so that CCP remains in power. india on the other hand is very transparent and accepting of its failures.
Such typical indian without brain still exist, very good :p:.
So India is using NASA space tracking technology to complete this mission?

And the Indians have the chutzpah to claim this is a 100% Indian mission?

Give any country the same NASA technology and they too could orbit Mars.

Indians are so disingenuous. They don't even have the decency to give credit to NASA which is doing the main part of this mission.

This is why it's impossible to believe anything coming out of an Indian's mouth.

Without NASA, Indian space program would have no moon mission or mars mission. India still don't have a manned space mission.

Just pathetic.
Let's brace for some super bragging from a nation without toilets and with half the populace below poverty line.Remember the intensive day and night bragging by the Indian media, leaders and officials after the 1998 atomic test (Op Shakti, May1998)? That had forced Nawaz Sharif to arrange for the Chaghi test just 15 days after Pokhran-II .

So India is using NASA space tracking technology to complete this mission?

And the Indians have the chutzpah to claim this is a 100% Indian mission?

Give any country the same NASA technology and they too could orbit Mars.

Indians are so disingenuous. They don't even have the decency to give credit to NASA which is doing the main part of this mission.

This is why it's impossible to believe anything coming out of an Indian's mouth.

Without NASA, Indian space program would have no moon mission or mars mission. India still don't have a manned space mission.

Just pathetic.

Well this article does not make sense... China is way ahead, India certainly has a long way to go...

Well this article does not make sense... China is way ahead, India certainly has a long way to go...

This is not about comparing with China.

This is about India using NASA and claiming its an Indian mission. That's very disingenuous of India.

How on earth can you be proud to say this is an Indian mission when it's very clear that NASA is doing all the hard work? Don't Indians have any decency to at least acknowledge NASA?
Let's brace for some super bragging from a nation without toilets and with half the populace below poverty line.Remember the intensive day and night bragging by the Indian media, leaders and officials after the 1998 atomic test (Op Shakti, May1998)? That had forced Nawaz Sharif to arrange for the Chaghi test just 15 days after Pokhran-II .

Lets see if Pakistan launches its Mars Mission in next couple of weeks :cheesy:

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