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Which Middle Eastern nation has the most advanced independent space program?

Secondly Russia shares technologies with u
More Hasbara braindead nonsense.

None of these techs were given to Iran by Russia. In the case of the Kh-55, they were sold by some Ukrainian and were R/e by Iran. Even your own Uzi rubin talks about it:

First of all North Korea gives u everything they have

Only thing Iran and North korea shared was technology on some old liquid ballistic missiles, nowadays, the relations is the other way around. I.e from Iran to North korea. their solid fuelled tech for example. Again, your uzi rubin talks about this in above video.

So why they would not share technologies of some 50 year old rockets?

Even if they did give the tech for the rocket e.g engine, they certainly did not help Iran in the capability in actually launching satellites. Unlike you zionists Iran does not get foreign assistance/tech in making and launching her SLV's.

Talking about technology transfer when the vast majority of your hardware is basically American technology and made with US money, from your arrow-3, David's sling etc.:lol:
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Lets just say that Iran and Israel have the most advanced independent space programs in the ME,both have sent something into space.
It basically shows you know zero about Iran-Russia relations, but since you troll no matter what, it doesn't matter. All of them are reverse engineered by Iran, Russia did not transfer technology or blueprints of any of those products to Iran. Skval, Kornet, Kh-55 etc.

Anyhow ur Safir is North Korean Rodong (aka enlargened Scud) + third stage of North Korean Unha.

Ur Simorgh (which is not ready still and since billions are spent to starve Syrian kids no one knows when it will be) is first stage of North Korean Unha + second stage of Unha.

Lets just say that Iran and Israel have the most advanced independent space programs in the ME,both have sent something into space.
Israel sent advanced optic and SAR satellites which are still in orbit after years. Iran sent 25-50 kg toys which decayed after 1 month.
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Israel sent advanced optic and SAR satellites which are still in orbit after years. Iran sent 25-50 kg toys which decayed after 1 month.
You are the top two countries in the ME,i wish my country had the capabilities you guys have.

Anyhow ur Safir is North Korean Rodong (aka enlargened Scud) + third stage of North Korean Unha.

Ur Simorgh (which is not ready still and since billions are spent to starve Syrian kids no one knows when it will be) is first stage of North Korean Unha + second stage of Unha.

First he said Safir is a "copy" of the Rodgon now this hasbara troll is saying it is an enlarged scud. All because they use same engine (albeit different fuels) and similar jet vanes etc. Other than that, they are completely different. One can I suppose the American rockets using the Russian engines are also copies of Russian SLVs :lol:

As for simorgh, it is Iran who is helping N korea and not the other way around:

"North Korea’s Unha-series may now incorporate some Iranian technologies. North Korea’s Unha-2 launch in 2009 failed when the rocket’s third stage did not separate properly. North Korea’s first successful Unha-series launch, in December 2012, used a larger third stage that appeared to be similar to a rocket stage previously seen only in Iran"


You keep embarrassing yourself over and over again.

Israel sent advanced optic and SAR satellites which are still in orbit after years. Iran sent 25-50 kg toys which decayed after 1 month.

You send them using western/french technology. And most of your sats were not even sent by the occupied territories anyway. Iran started by launching small sats because that's how indigenous programs start, for example like the Russian spudnik etc. Your apartheid state's launches are product of western assistance and technology. That why we see little history of launches suggesting no pattern of a maturing/learning programs which is required in active space program and research. And also we have seen no new launches for many years.
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Anyhow ur Safir is North Korean Rodong (aka enlargened Scud) + third stage of North Korean Unha.

Ur Simorgh (which is not ready still and since billions are spent to starve Syrian kids no one knows when it will be) is first stage of North Korean Unha + second stage of Unha.

There will come a time when even you don't buy your own nonsense, or maybe you already don't, secretly. Okay, Iran imports/copies everything and doesn't know jack, while supapawa Israel invented everything from zero without western help. Now you can be happy.

Sorry for touching your feelings!!!


Do you mean persian gulf's arab nations ?
Keep supporting those sadists on kashmir, indians believe everyone "except israelis" in the middle east are sub humans

Anyhow ur Safir is North Korean Rodong (aka enlargened Scud) + third stage of North Korean Unha.

Ur Simorgh (which is not ready still and since billions are spent to starve Syrian kids no one knows when it will be) is first stage of North Korean Unha + second stage of Unha.

Israel sent advanced optic and SAR satellites which are still in orbit after years. Iran sent 25-50 kg toys which decayed after 1 month.


Mr.500 ... You are going to lose the case if i start talking !!!

Seems you don't know anything !!!


LOL ... Our biologist can't identify the difference !

North korean Unha 3:



Iranian simorgh:



Kid, I am talking about having an active space program i.e developing SLVs, launching, having a manned program. Having satellite in orbit, most of which were launched by outsiders years ago does not equal having an active space program. You have an active program in the same sense that Saudi Arabia does. All you can talk about is some satellites other nations launched for you.

Then I guess even the US lags behind the mighty Iran.

Dude, seriously.

The satellites Israel launched years ago have better quality than the ones many nations launch now.

The costs associated with designing, creating, testing, re-design, etc of a SLV aren't change in your sofa. There will always be some nation that has better economies of scale. Why spend $billions when Sadar Singh in India will launch your sat. for $20 million?

You can boast about Iran's Space Program, it is impressive, no doubt, but the Israelis have worked for their program also.

You want to hold down Israel because the "Jewish overlords in the West give them everything they need?" Well, the "Jewish Overlords" worked their a$$es off to get to where they got. What prevented you to make "Iranian Overlords" all over the West?

It doesn't make sense for Israel to have launch capabilities, which they do, look at the political-geography. It is easier to launch satellites towards the east. Israel can't. It is confined to a specific orbit from it's borders.

Next you'll talk about the expertise and experience scientists and engineers gain from developing a SLV, Israel has active training programs with NASA.
Israel and Iran have active space programs
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