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indians have gone ultra crazy online. PDF needs to do something

I'd kill myself before Id be "concerned" of an Indian thug, We weren't born to live like that

And honestly they can't do shit either, they'll get their *** kicked, I only take Kashmiri, Punjabi seriously

But I'll be concerned for women, they need some pepper spray etc
For some reason since monday, indians all over the internet have chimped out BIG TIME become more anti-Pakistani than usual. They have become ultra racist, Islamaphobic and genocidal. They have even been advocating attacks on people of Pakistani descent living outside of Pakistan, our businesses, our embassies and consulates. They have even been trying to do the same on PDF. We need to collectively do something about this.

And that is a good thing, Only means they need truck loads of Burnol... :)
For some reason since monday, indians all over the internet have chimped out BIG TIME become more anti-Pakistani than usual. They have become ultra racist, Islamaphobic and genocidal. They have even been advocating attacks on people of Pakistani descent living outside of Pakistan, our businesses, our embassies and consulates. They have even been trying to do the same on PDF. We need to collectively do something about this.
Perhaps you should present a few compelling examples of the alleged great Indian chimp-out !

I'd kill myself before Id be "concerned" of an Indian thug, We weren't born to live like that

And honestly they can't do shit either, they'll get their *** kicked, I only take Kashmiri, Punjabi seriously

But I'll be concerned for women, they need some pepper spray etc

Physically and in terms of violence, indians can't mess with us. I was mainly talking about their online propaganda and how we can best combat it.
For some reason since monday, indians all over the internet have chimped out BIG TIME become more anti-Pakistani than usual. They have become ultra racist, Islamaphobic and genocidal. They have even been advocating attacks on people of Pakistani descent living outside of Pakistan, our businesses, our embassies and consulates. They have even been trying to do the same on PDF. We need to collectively do something about this.

A loser's fustration... nothing worry about. We have beaten thier armies in battlefied.
Where I live, there is mainly English, Pakistani, Afro-Carribean and Central Europeans living so I feel pretty safe but I am still very vigilant. There are virtually NO indians or afghans where I live.

I say boycott ABSOLUTELY anything that is run by indians or afghans. I urge Pakistanis in particular to not employ afghans, befriend them or eat in their restaurants. Ideally, we do not want them in our Mosques either. Let's get proactive and put Pakistan FIRST. NOT Palestine first.

Everyone is an individual, and should be treated as such, especially in the western diasporas where people know law enforcement is not joking around. So, while the desire for utmost caution may make us think we should cut off Indians or Afghans, that would just mean we have let the minority of miscreants Win. I for one will engage the Indians and Afghans until they give me reason not to. Perhaps this is the oath I’ve taken talking, but we treat all people as we treat all patients, without regard for their background.

If your around known agitators, I respect your decision as you see fit, but I have not experienced any Indian or Afghan treating me any different, frankly most of my life (except around the time of the Mumbai attacks) so I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise.
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For some reason since monday, indians all over the internet have chimped out BIG TIME become more anti-Pakistani than usual. They have become ultra racist, Islamaphobic and genocidal. They have even been advocating attacks on people of Pakistani descent living outside of Pakistan, our businesses, our embassies and consulates. They have even been trying to do the same on PDF. We need to collectively do something about this.

Rat has lost the circulation on his tail due to ISI Boot 🥾.
Everyone is an individual, and should be treated as such, especially in the western diasporas where people know law enforcement is not joking around. So, while the desire for utmost caution may make us think we should cut off Indians or Afghans, that would just mean we have let the minority of miscreants Win. I for one will engage the Indians and Afghans until they give me reason not to. Perhaps this is the oath I’ve taken talking, but we treat all people as we treat all patients, without regard for their background.

If you around known agitators, I respect your decision as you see fit, but I have not experienced any Indian or Afghan treating me any different, frankly most of my life (except around the time of the Mumbai attacks) so tend to give people the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise.

By and large I agree with you but I feel that us Pakistanis have a lot of work to do in order to combat the propaganda against us.
For some reason since monday, indians all over the internet have chimped out BIG TIME become more anti-Pakistani than usual. They have become ultra racist, Islamaphobic and genocidal. They have even been advocating attacks on people of Pakistani descent living outside of Pakistan, our businesses, our embassies and consulates. They have even been trying to do the same on PDF. We need to collectively do something about this.
In Spain Indian Punjabi are living but they are good with Pakistanis n tthey are less in numbers as compare to Pakistani community. In Europe they will not do any stupidity especially in Spain. UK may have some issue
We are a peace loving nation. Crossing Borders is something Pakistan does.
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