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Indian members never to have gotten banned in PDF

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Feb 6, 2009
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Who are the Indian members never to have banned in PDF?? Or may be not banned for more then last one year.

Just curious...
For a start, I'm one to have escaped the "B" word till now somehow. But that is mostly due to the fact that I post less and read more. I have given more thanks than my number of posts, lol.

Anyone else? i guess perhaps Seiko and Sancho amongst this category. Or am I wrong?
I got banned once for honest mistake.:P
otherwise, I don't troll.:no:
I have never got banned from any forum as far as i know. sometimes i leave a forum for months on end to pursue private matters, or when i'm fed up of the forum but i have never been kicked out of any forum.
i got banned once - that was because i wanted to get banned ,you see my exams were around the corner and i was kind of addicted to this forum and so it was difficult for me to concentrate on my exam.so i purposey started posting abuses:D to get banned and i was sucessful(got banned for 1 month - my ban was over 3 days after my exams were over):smokin:
I never got banned but i was here only for the last 5 months..:D
i have been enjoying this forum for over an year now.
Honestly, though at times it feels u cant hold it any more , but now i have slowley known how to and this has helped to have some really hood friends at PDF.

PDF is so addictive !
i got banned once - that was because i wanted to get banned ,you see my exams were around the corner and i was kind of addicted to this forum and so it was difficult for me to concentrate on my exam.so i purposey started posting abuses:D to get banned and i was sucessful(got banned for 1 month - my ban was over 3 days after my exams were over):smokin:

Talking of being addictive, well there is no better addiction than browsing PDF. I browse for more than 5 hours a day, can you guys just believe it?
I see that lately some Indian members got obsessed about the ‘banning’ issue. I for one have nothing to do with the forum management nor am I a person who would defend the management only because it happens to be of Pakistani origin. However, when things come a point of ‘banning’, there are always very good reasons behind it. There are Indian members, I would like to give an example of EjazR here, who are respected a lot for their posts and were never banned (to the best of my knowledge) as they adhered to the simple guidelines of taking part in a discussion. Expressing one’s disagreement while maintaining decency at the same time is the most desirable quality of any member. Most who got banned (Indians as well as Pakistanis and others), actually drifted faraway in emotions and crossed the line not once but several times (as you are not slapped with a ‘ban’ for the first few times).

At any rate, an argument must be dealt with an argument rather than using abusive language which would add no weight whatsoever to one’s ‘argument’. Instead of complaining about this ‘ban’ issue, I would analyze the ‘language’ and ‘style’ of those who got banned on case by case basis, and would try to avoid making the same mistakes.

I would also add that after all, PDF is a Pakistani forum hence a Pakistani point of view is sometimes given preference in certain not all matters. This is very natural and all too common in Indian fora as well. This is also true that a very select number of Pakistani (and gora chamdi as well) members can and certainly do get away with their abusive posts for the reasons unknown to me, but for the most part, Indians and Pakistanis are treated pretty much equally on this forum.
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Talking of being addictive, well there is no better addiction than browsing PDF. I browse for more than 5 hours a day, can you guys just believe it?

Yes i believe bcoz i also browse for more than 8 hours a day:-) bye the way i never baned too bcoz i was the "guest member" haha:-)
Who are the Indian members never to have banned in PDF?? Or may be not banned for more then last one year.

Just curious...
You should be ban for opening a stupid thread with your personal Query. Find some thing better to do.
I never got banned :D

Though i am not an Indian :lol:

I do enjoy your posts tremendously as well for 1) Your grasp of the topic under discussion 90% of the time & 2) Your courage to speak the bitter truth although I may not always agree with your POV.

If I could escape the ban during my novice days at PDF (initial six months when at times I could not resist to answer trollish posts with equally trollish replies, I think it is very little likely now for me to get banned when 99% of the times I can refrain myself from responding to abuses, noobs and trolls.

P.S.: EjazR did get banned once.
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